Learn more about your Advanced Digital Camera and Digital SLR. Modes, buttons and features of many different types of cameras available today. Also explained in the class will be many of the terms and concepts of digital photography.
For the Digital SLR user we will discuss the types and uses of the many lenses that can be used. (Although aimed at the DSLR user many Advanced Digital Camera users will be able to benefit from an understanding of what each lens capability can do for their photography.)
Most beneficial to all photographers, whether beginner or experienced, will an overview of exposure and how the different elements that make up exposure can be used to improve and add creativity to your photography. Added to this discussion on the elements of good exposure will be an extensive overview of composition. Good composition is what makes a well exposed photograph something more and something that will set apart your photos from others.
Finally we will go over several programs that are designed to help you organize your photographs. The advantage of digital photography is that we can take photographs to enjoy without excessive expense to have them all printed. The penalty is that we all have more digital photos than we can keep track of unless we make the extra effort. These programs will help you organize and manage your digital photo library.
Classes are limited to 20 participants (6 min) and are 2 hours Price: $70
Reservations are required and are taken up to the Thur. before the class.
Involved in photography since childhood Jon relegated his photography to family and travel photography until the digital revolution came to photography. After spending almost 30 years as an engineer and business manager Jon has recently taken his love and enthusiasm for photography into a new career as a professional photographer and photography instructor.
Specializing in nature, macro and commercial photography Jon is excited to share what he has learned with others that have a love of photography, no matter what their favorite photographic subject is.